I think there's an important distinction between sexual attraction and actually wanting to sleep with someone. The "typical young woman" and the demisexual may be the same in not wanting to sleep with anyone without making an emotional connection first, but maybe the demisexual notices that she never feels that frisson of sex-related excitement that her friends feel about attractive people around them. That would indeed be unusual, but -- as discussed in the episode -- it may just take a while to kick in, and the 15-year-old who feels this way would be better off not committing to it as a forever identity.

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I'm not on Twitter but I did dip in to see the reactions to Kat's piece. They were pretty hilarious. One thing I saw a few times: "you can still delete this". Is this considered some kind of sick burn among the youth today, or did they seriously expect someone to just delete your article off the internet?

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... I would just like to take this time to remind you that I no longer have time to enjoy this pod as I once would because of Britbox. This is all your fault Phoebe, you should feel bad... and thank you.

P.s. I also agree with Kat at the end there. This whole "children of the corn" thing around taking kids as a moral / ethical barometer is SO confusing. As a former kid, I can confirm they are stupid as shit and if they do have a insightful thing to say about the world around them it is almost certainly incidental.

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I’m going to have a little bit of a different opinion as a Gen Xer. Things like Demisexuality and asexuality completely did not exist when I was in college. I think demisexuality is a little weird but as far as a sexuality goes, it’s just part of some peoples experience and I do think that there is something to be said about young people being more open to different types of sexuality. I wish it wasn’t quite like it is now but it wasn’t so great in the 90s either because it was really pretty narrowminded. I guess for me one thing I will say to you is that is the problem that people attach labels rather than describe feelings. If it’s a describing feelings of not having intense sexual feelings or sexual feelings at all, that should be normalized even if it’s outside of the label.

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I may be just a simple communist serviette, but I've had carnal knowledge of multiple (two) women and my verdict is that the presence or absence of at least an incipient sort of love is the thing that separates a monistic, spirit-and-body union for which we ought to be grateful to God from an awkward round of squishing and squelching against someone you may in fact otherwise like, even respect--but with whom you cannot make a dyad. And the goal, demisexuals seem to imply, is indeed to find that missing part of themselves and become two persons of one flesh.

The demisexuals, in other words, have discovered the religious meaning of sex without knowing it.

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Oh I love Victoria Wood so much, she is very much missed! :( The phrase 'comedy genius' is bandied about a lot, but in her case it applies in spades.

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I have so many thoughts and also cannot put them in a public forum (b/c privacy for others)...

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This is my favourite episode so far (and that's saying a lot, given how high the bar was)!

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omg; subscriber fees worth the episode title alone.

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OMG the whole verse, perfection <3

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