Whenever I see pictures of Dylan Mulvaney, I have a dim memory of being terrified by clowns as a small child. I think Dylan Mulvaney is the Max Headroom of our age. (The Dylan Mulvaney beer commercial that would have worked better would be Dylan pulling a salmon out of a mountain stream in a cocktail gown, standing in front of a Chevy Silverado, sipping from a Bud Light and saying "Bud light. The best a WOman can get!" to the strains of a Miley Cyrus cover of Bob Seger's "Like A Rock.")

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re Mulvaney, I think it's just "other side reaction" all the way down.

The right hates Mulvaney because (in their minds) she's being used specifically to troll them, so boycotting Bud Light or whatever is primarily in response to that trolling coming from very powerful progressive groups (e.g. Nike and Annheuser Busch). The left supports Mulvaney because she's been getting a ridiculous amount of transphobic hate online, so hiring her to be a spokeswoman is about showing support for the trans community in a time when they're under attack from the right.

No one on the right has stopped and said "wait what exactly did Mulvaney do that's so wrong" and no one on the left has stopped and said "wait is Mulvaney the best spokeswoman for these brands" -- everything is just a reaction to the other side's reaction.

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Frasier is one of the best sitcoms ever and Kat is missing out!

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"Feminity plus" or living an odd throwback to the 50s/white picket fence/Breakfast at Tiffany's image that most natal women are delighted to have shed last century.

Kind of consistent with my own experiences of trans people: natal males seem to embrace a female identity because they're drawn to/delighted by it, often with a spirit of play and humour about it, while a whole lot of natal females (often experiencing puberty) are anxiously fleeing a female identity more than delighted by a male one except as a refuge from their birth sex.

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I knew it too

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And yes my girlfriend wants to buy a cat backpack too

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I hope my new subscription tips the scales on the raccoon pee. And Blaire White remains undefeated https://twitter.com/MsBlaireWhite/status/1646219315065114626

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My friend has a cat backpack AND a dog stroller for her cat.

I have been quite confused about why people hate Dylan Mulvaney so much. A while ago I asked my Zellennial friend, who said, "people are mad because they don't understand that girlhood isn't just one thing." (On the pod, Kat expressed some similar concerns). My friend went on to say that girlhood to her is being a lesbian who loves doing her nails, girlhood to me is wearing dresses and liking pink and purple, girlhood to Dylan Mulvaney is wearing gowns and the things she does on TikTok. So, this is the explanation I've been working with for months, but now the haters have more to latch onto with all the sponsorships. I'm still confused, especially after hearing Kat and Phoebe say Mulvaney is not on cross-sex hormones on the episode (iirc). A quick Google search says she is. Hmm???

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Also pleading agnosticism, but I'm pretty sure what I said is that she doesn't *look* like she is, which is just to say that she doesn't have a feminized physique (i.e. even a very small-breasted natal woman does not look like Mulvaney does in a sports bra and leggings.)

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Pleading agnosticism on the hormone regimen or lack thereof of the person I first googled a millisecond before recording. What seems more relevant may be simply the physique in the ad, however arrived at, and its relevance or lack thereof to sports bras.

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Agreed BUT, I am a rather small chested woman who doesn't need the support of a sports bra when partaking in some physical activities, but does need a sports bra to publicly participate in those activities. I.e., in the gym or a fitness class where leggings + sports bra is the typical uniform for women (and exactly what Mulvaney wears in the Nike video), I can't show up in only leggings just because I don't *need* a sports bra. Identifying as a woman, neither could Mulvaney.

OK, so neither of us need sports bras...why isn't Nike marketing bralettes or bralette-tanks or some sort of minimalist-support tank? Something like that would better fit the situation (and influencer), yes?

I'm less annoyed by the Nike thing than the Tampax thing.

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For me, Frasier remains the best-written and best-acted 4-camera comedy ever made, and the only one I’ve watched repeatedly since it started 30 years ago, and ended 20 years ago. So it felt like Phoebe was talking about old friends 😊

As a Brit, I’d also put Fawlty Towers up there, but that was only a dozen episodes. Both shows excel at ‘farce’. I still find it strange to hear people overseas discuss British shows from my childhood!

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FWIW. As it is entirely Phoebe's fault that I became a britbox junky I feel like it is apropos that I tell her A: if you have a vpn service you can prolly get access to faulty towers again (its also available on prime now) and B: Watch "Chef's Whites"... tho I have to imagine a Britbox stan such as herself would have long since seen it. Good stuff as always.

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In case you need animal control intervention, the technical term for raccoons going “to the powder room” is “raccoon latrine.” The NRA chapter in your area may have an organic-vegan “raccoon rescue” expert who finds loving foster homes for your raccoon visitors. My friend in SF has a raccoon latrine on his backyard deck. The penthouse apartment above me (downtown SF) had 2 raccoons inspecting the kitchen garbage can in 2004.

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K & P: You don’t know the Trans story because we - public health (1) Hid it from you and then (2) Lied to you.

Solution: Hepworth fixes problem. MD has no tool (psychological assessment) to separate Trans from non. Zero evidence of “Born that way”. No Trans Dx exists. Therefore it is elective procedure like Botox or face-lift.

The guy who lived as woman for a year; advertising personal items that he will never be able to physically use - is like having a doctor advertise space-suits for astronauts. Children who see advertisement will become even more confused about their bodies.

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Finished reading “You Must Remember This” novel by Kat Rosenfield. I was not expecting the surprise ending. As a behavioral health professional, (research, not therapy) - I recommend the book to every therapist. As a dude who only started reading novels within the past 8 years, I advise other dudes to enjoy the adventure and escape of novels.

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