Kat and Phoebe discuss the kissing of cheeks, the petting of pets, the cancellation of Junot Diaz, and the intolerable slander of Seinfeld by a New Yorker essayist.
Ben Smith on Junot Diaz, notorious cheek-kisser: https://www.semafor.com/article/11/27/2022/junot-diaz-in-limbo
Kat's tweets on l’affaire bisou:

went back and forth on whether to stick my neck out here, but fuck it: in the grand scheme of unwanted intrusions into one's personal space (and with all respect to TCW), a kiss on the cheek is a minor annoyance and a hell of a lot closer to "okay" than it is to "not okay"

Thomas Chatterton Williams @thomaschattwill
Saïd Sayrafiezadeh on finding “Seinfeld” problematic: https://www.newyorker.com/culture/cultural-comment/i-finally-watched-seinfeld?utm_source=NYR_REG_GATE
Meghan Daum on literary citizenship:
Seinfeld kismet on the tyranny of the kiss hello:
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