A bit of hopeful info from the educational front: for many, many high school and college students, COVID measures were performative. Those were rules, and these are young people. This means that most of the measures were only followed if said young people were going to get caught not following them, if then. So the idea that for two years of their life, they weren't alone in rooms with each other studying or whatevering with (groups of ) other young people is no more a reality than it was for protestors, politicians and plutocrats.

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Time 7:32 - 14:00+; I live in SF and knew absolutely nothing about NYU sub-culture until your podcast. Thank you. I studied Organic Chemistry in pre-med undergrad 1986 before I decided public health instead. No regrets. Every student in class got an F (or very near) on a mid-term. The professor added percentage points to each student’s score. Organic chemistry is about scientific facts that are connected to construct rules about interaction among molecules. Critical for medicine. I believe there is a way to shortcut the student labor by constructing logic hierachies, but I was too stupid at the time to know that. For example, I can memorize “Susan goes to gynecologist”, “Ingred goes to…”, “Sandra goes…” or replace 1,000 sentences with one simple sentence; “females go to gynecologist.” Today, when I am mentally stressed about a problem is when I discover the best solution, because my brain works harder. 30 years ago, I didn’t have that skill. Firing the one NYU professor, when students across the country are challenged by Organic Chemistry- is ridiculous. I don’t want those students as my doctor.

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Phoebe, I think you were vaguely referencing The Young Ones, which I love but is best watched first at the age of 19. It's absolutely worth watching at least one episode since it's so weird and iconic. Nik the wanna-be SJW of the 80s is my favorite.

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Alright, so I am confused. Is this or is this not the private feed? Cause it shows up in my private RSS but at the end you all talk about a further discussion which I am apparently too dumb to find. I mean it was a great hour of chat, but if there is more I would like to know where to hear that as well. :D any suggestions out there?

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This is the public feed, our premium episode is still in edits but will be up soon!

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Ahh, gotcha. I think this is how the Fifth Column does it as well, which confused me also. Glad it is my density and not a feature :D looking forward to the next episode.

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