Kat saying "Gods Hates Flags" is worth the subscription price all by itself.

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Jun 4·edited Jun 5

You guys gave me “antisemitism envy.” I never get to be lumped into any cabal conspiracies or alleged nepotism. I’m a 36 year old Jewish guy named Chris (my parents and I converted). With my name, nobody ever assumes I’m Jewish. My only sense of persecution comes from getting rejected on dating apps once a woman finds out I’m on the team that doesn’t believe in Jesus.

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This person who made the nepobaby/Jew remark on Twitter sounds like one cool dude! I’ll bet he’s very handsome and successful, and DEFINITELY not bisexual. (Maybe he even has a Substack that could be worth reading.)

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Your “divorce discourse” made me think of this article from Sandra Tsing Loh: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2009/07/lets-call-the-whole-thing-off/307488/

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I made the mistake of reading the top comments on Kat’s latest article for FP (on Diddy’s alleged abuse, and using rap lyrics to prosecute crimes), hoo boy I do not recommend it. It often feels like the loudest FP readers are just there out of spite.

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Jun 5·edited Jun 5

The discussion near the end, about the idea that divorce is shameful because you've wasted your parents' or friends' time, spurred a realization: a lot of these recent "I divorced for feminism" essays have displayed an utter lack of apprehension over, or even curiosity about, the possibility that divorcing your husband might hurt HIM; might ruin HIS life. I'm not saying that married people need to stay married until the decision to part is truly mutual; there certainly are times when leaving your spouse is justified even though they want you to stay. I am saying, though, that any moral person is required to at least consider the harm that they might be doing to their spouse by leaving their marriage; and these recent essays, with the possible exception of Emily Gould's, seem very, very far away from that idea. To the extent that current strains of feminism have made it uncomfortable for feminist women to admit or acknowledge that, you know, husbands are people too, that's unfortunate.

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Wait is that nepo baby thing real? I never heard that before (or imagined that nepo babies didn't come in all flavors). That is so weird. Is there nothing people can't make worse? But congrats Kat on your new gig.

I am seeing a lot of 'improve your life, dump your husband ' schtick, with the accompanying assumption that the kids will be fine, great even. I've kind of presumed that normal real life people only do that when they feel they have to, because of abuse or cheating etc. , unless of course they are the cheater. IME when one spouse escapes from abuse the kids do better away from the awful parent, and when one just up and leaves a stable family for a new romance or whatever, the kids' lives are derailed and they have an awful time, from which they may not really recover. (What a profound and new observation I have produced....).

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Not a recurring segment I really liked, but definitely the first thing I thought of when I saw this episode's title:


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