Jul 3·edited Jul 3Liked by Phoebe Maltz Bovy

I listened to this episode on a morning walk. While several houses I passed were flying American flags, one had a British flag, specifically the one it had from 1707-1800 (see link below). Normally I would shake my fist at this, but I can’t blame any American for lacking patriotism right now.

I would vote for a comatose Biden to keep Trump out of power. January 6, 2021, alone means Trump is unworthy of reelection, and that he is indeed a threat to democracy. I'd feel more confident in Democrats' ability to defeat him if they nominated a Whitmer-Warnock ticket.


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Jul 3Liked by Phoebe Maltz Bovy

Am I misremembering or back in the months just after the 2016 election, wasn't there a lot of "it won't be THAT bad, Trump will have staff who know what to do, he won't even be doing that much himself" (or something to that effect)?

Perhaps that was just cope, as they say, but if they (they being either side, really) could say it then, it's not that outlandish or anti-democratic now.

Also I appreciated the Dave reference but why no Weekend at Bernie's?

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You're right, people were saying this, but the distinction is that (as far as I remember), these were people who didn't or weren't planning to vote for Trump trying to calm down other panicky democrats who thought the world was or would be ending. Like, "yes, this seems bad, but it probably won't be catastrophic so let's try to chill."

I actually just subscribed so I could comment here to thank Kat for being the only other person I've heard express exactly what's been going through my own mind and therefore making me think I'm maybe not as nuts as my friends have suggested. I've been thinking about Dave for a couple months now, and the debate just made it impossible to deny. Not only is it clear that we've been lied to for however long about who's really calling (many if not most of) the shots, but we're also supposed to think it's totally ok if this same charade continues in the open without anyone over there ever admitting who is actually running the White House.

I'm sorry, but... no. This is so wrong. Why should I trust that this secret backroom group(?) of (apparently delusional) people have my best interests at heart? These people don't even respect me enough to bother acknowledging that this it is super messed up, and yes, I would 100% agree -- totally undemocratic & frankly terrifying -- to seize power under cover of "better than the alternative." I agree that the alternative is pretty bad, and functionally it may true that the team is more important than any one politician, but *that's not even the argument they're using*, but just the outside apologist rationale. Kat's totally right -- there's a principle at stake here, and democrats are in danger of completely violating it by refusing to admit that this all feels incredibly shady.

I'm an independent who's mostly voted Dem in major elections, and while I still refuse to vote for Trump, what's important is I now do not feel comfortable voting Biden (or rather his shadowy puppeteers). I *hate* this, and I have never sat out an election before, but if they don't nominate someone (anyone!) else, I'm pretty sure I'm staying home. I refuse to be intimidated or guilt-tripped into voting for a party that just gets dumber, crazier and more elitist every election cycle.

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Jul 3Liked by Phoebe Maltz Bovy

It’s perfectly democratic to vote for whoever you want (living, half-living, or corpse), but it’s bad strategy. “I’m voting for Biden because he (or his handlers) are the better choice” is just not going to convince non-partisans at this point.

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Jul 3Liked by Phoebe Maltz Bovy

Remember that show The West Wing, in which the big scandal was that the nearly sixty year old president was caught concealing M.S., which might, of course, make him unable to competently do the job?

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Thanks for this extra effort, and hope you have felt somewhat better, Kat.

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Both parties now competing for access to the giant amphetamine vault under the White House marked FOR JFK USE ONLY

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That debate was such a disastrous spectacle and debacle that nothing on that stage represented me as a United States citizen and taxpayer, it was completely anathema. We’re in big trouble and appears this is what binary tribalism gets us, an implacable trajectory to the odious.

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