Kat and Phoebe discuss a fun philosophical question about desire, a fine literary essay about not getting divorced, and the sacred gossip machine known as the whisper network.
I just got to the part where Kat suggests that a lot of people "can't really read, anymore," and I have to voice my agreement. I will admit that I spend more time than is advisable on Reddit; and the quality of writing and apparent reading comprehension as evidenced by responses is horrific, as in it makes me feel like I'm in a horror story for literate people (i.e. not written by Stephen King).
The worst effect of this, personally, seems to be that I've become so used to seeing and deciphering awful writing that I've stopped noticing it when I should and have been drawn further into a few scam text message/email conversations than I would have been in years past. I should have identified them from the beginning from the missing periods, misplaced apostrophes, and basic grammatical errors. This has not always been the case. I feel like social media has heightened the peak of the bell curve of society's average intelligence and probably pulled it to the left.
I enjoyed the Desire/Desired exploration and I have something personal to add, but not in the sphere of romance. At age 57; I get to embark on an adventure of making new friends because with few exceptions everyone I have known since primary school hates me for not being woke, even a close family member. While my desire for civil and honest discourse is alive; It would be great if my friends/colleagues reciprocated the same desire.
A: I had no idea there was a divot stomping perk. B: I haven't seen the apple podcast site since I had an iPod the size of a pack of cigarettes (I would like to see a poll on how many people actually still use the store) and finally C: I am a Fifth Column podcast listener, and the deep cut wounded me madam!
ALSO: I remember The Newsroom storyline about their "Stalker App" and I gotta say they painted a compelling argument against it in the way only Aaron Sorkin can (half facts, half dramatic music). :D
To be desired, "You're not going to pay your rent with it" - you def have not worked with gorgeous women in the restaurant industry. I have had coworkers that had financial help from regular diners, specifically to pay their rent.
See also - OnlyFans.
As for Cat Person, I have to say that I identified with the (false) allure and/or confusion of being young, and desired by a person that you might not have considered a possibility before. At twenty, I was absolutely still stuck in a place of immature misunderstanding of my own desirability. I was also called out often, by peers as being "too picky," to complain of loneliness. Apparently the nineties were the decade of "Three words will always get you laid, 'lower your standards'."
There are many women in my generation that had f-ed up childhoods, crap relationships with our fathers, and may have internalized the sex in advertising that we were bombarded with throughout our formative years. That shit molds self-image.
I envy the self-possession, and self-worth that I see in so many young women these days. I certainly took the long road to get there.
[Time 53:00]; The “formula” that K&P critique, (ie - Unfortunate outcome X is even more severe among vulnerable groups A, B, C) is what I read last night in the Astho public health newsletter (woke) with regard to the Fentanyl overdose deaths. With no documentation, data or evidence- and this is public health, my profession. I want the formula to go away. But to fair to the public health newsletter and other organizations- federal funding is likely tied to the “formula”. Those who are honest or intelligent will become disconnected from gov funding.
Actually, I have money advice for Emily. If she converts to Islam, she gets to keep all of her earned income to herself as the husband is required to cover all household expenses. Unless of course as happens too often in Canada and possibly in USA, the wife becomes coerced into giving all income to in-laws. But, only if the husband is also Muslim.
[Time 28:00]; I never heard of Emily Guld until this podcast. I don’t consider the one-off cheating to be that big of a deal in context of a long-term relationship. Or the morning drinking- that is why people have mimosas at brunch. Unless of course it became alcoholic-ish. As a dude; I ask the guys on Twitter to chill.
Long-time reader of you each separately, first time listener - and now subscriber. As someone who was microinfamous in the confessional blogging sphere of the late aughts/early teens, I especially enjoyed this idea of the personal essay as both confession and cover letter.
I just got to the part where Kat suggests that a lot of people "can't really read, anymore," and I have to voice my agreement. I will admit that I spend more time than is advisable on Reddit; and the quality of writing and apparent reading comprehension as evidenced by responses is horrific, as in it makes me feel like I'm in a horror story for literate people (i.e. not written by Stephen King).
The worst effect of this, personally, seems to be that I've become so used to seeing and deciphering awful writing that I've stopped noticing it when I should and have been drawn further into a few scam text message/email conversations than I would have been in years past. I should have identified them from the beginning from the missing periods, misplaced apostrophes, and basic grammatical errors. This has not always been the case. I feel like social media has heightened the peak of the bell curve of society's average intelligence and probably pulled it to the left.
Had no idea Kat had such a passionate desire for Jimmy Kimmel.
I enjoyed the Desire/Desired exploration and I have something personal to add, but not in the sphere of romance. At age 57; I get to embark on an adventure of making new friends because with few exceptions everyone I have known since primary school hates me for not being woke, even a close family member. While my desire for civil and honest discourse is alive; It would be great if my friends/colleagues reciprocated the same desire.
A: I had no idea there was a divot stomping perk. B: I haven't seen the apple podcast site since I had an iPod the size of a pack of cigarettes (I would like to see a poll on how many people actually still use the store) and finally C: I am a Fifth Column podcast listener, and the deep cut wounded me madam!
ALSO: I remember The Newsroom storyline about their "Stalker App" and I gotta say they painted a compelling argument against it in the way only Aaron Sorkin can (half facts, half dramatic music). :D
To be desired, "You're not going to pay your rent with it" - you def have not worked with gorgeous women in the restaurant industry. I have had coworkers that had financial help from regular diners, specifically to pay their rent.
See also - OnlyFans.
As for Cat Person, I have to say that I identified with the (false) allure and/or confusion of being young, and desired by a person that you might not have considered a possibility before. At twenty, I was absolutely still stuck in a place of immature misunderstanding of my own desirability. I was also called out often, by peers as being "too picky," to complain of loneliness. Apparently the nineties were the decade of "Three words will always get you laid, 'lower your standards'."
There are many women in my generation that had f-ed up childhoods, crap relationships with our fathers, and may have internalized the sex in advertising that we were bombarded with throughout our formative years. That shit molds self-image.
I envy the self-possession, and self-worth that I see in so many young women these days. I certainly took the long road to get there.
[Time 53:00]; The “formula” that K&P critique, (ie - Unfortunate outcome X is even more severe among vulnerable groups A, B, C) is what I read last night in the Astho public health newsletter (woke) with regard to the Fentanyl overdose deaths. With no documentation, data or evidence- and this is public health, my profession. I want the formula to go away. But to fair to the public health newsletter and other organizations- federal funding is likely tied to the “formula”. Those who are honest or intelligent will become disconnected from gov funding.
Actually, I have money advice for Emily. If she converts to Islam, she gets to keep all of her earned income to herself as the husband is required to cover all household expenses. Unless of course as happens too often in Canada and possibly in USA, the wife becomes coerced into giving all income to in-laws. But, only if the husband is also Muslim.
[Time 28:00]; I never heard of Emily Guld until this podcast. I don’t consider the one-off cheating to be that big of a deal in context of a long-term relationship. Or the morning drinking- that is why people have mimosas at brunch. Unless of course it became alcoholic-ish. As a dude; I ask the guys on Twitter to chill.
Long-time reader of you each separately, first time listener - and now subscriber. As someone who was microinfamous in the confessional blogging sphere of the late aughts/early teens, I especially enjoyed this idea of the personal essay as both confession and cover letter.
Watched that Kimmel clip. Totally justified in his indignation in my opinion. He called her out as a total bottom feeder and she had it coming.
Only three mins in but this is your most Chaotic intro yet
15 mins in and I'm laughing hysterically
Maybe your audience is entirely composed of Android users? I don't think I can access Apple Podcasts....