I just googled Aaron Dominguez, and all I’ll say is that I reeeally hope the baby in some of his Instagram pics is a niece or nephew. And that he’s gay. And single. And into average-looking white guys.

Speaking of gay, I loathe the word “queer” with every fiber of my male-attracted being, and resent having this meaningless bullshit term foisted on me.

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Likewise, as a gay - I too hate the term “queer”.

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Jan 20Liked by Phoebe Maltz Bovy

"Only rich white girls are mean queen bees" is the single most laughable line I've ever heard. 😅

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Jan 21Liked by Phoebe Maltz Bovy

Umm this tweet takes the cake on Taylor Swift being 'queer'. I can't post a screen grab but this is the comment.


"People want Taylor Swift to be gay when she very obviously isn’t because they consider her the aspirational paradigm of white American womanhood in an era when the contradictions of heterosexuality and its incompatibility with women’s dignity are coming into focus send tweet"

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Jan 19Liked by Phoebe Maltz Bovy

I believe “queer”, similar to non-binary, is more of a political/cultural label than gender/sexuality label. https://quillette.com/2022/11/25/gay-not-queer/

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Yes. Taylor may be bisexual or even a lesbian (I really don’t think so, but it’s in the realm of possibility). It is not possible that she is “queer”.

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In case of K&P contemplation about an “anti-bullying tutorial” for FeminineChaos audience; I want to be the first to assure you that there is no need as we audience members are bully-free.

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Important Phoebe question: are the Bills uniforms Yves Klein Blue?

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For some reason now I’m curious exactly what the song the bullying girl sang at Kat was.

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Poor Taylor Swift, her sexuality is nobody’s business. On Mean Girls - I am intrigued by the phenomena. I wonder how many mean grow out of it and how many evolve to the next level in adulthood. I wonder if many middle and high school victims desire trans status to escape from mean girl torture.

On Murders in The Building; As a SF guy, I am hardly an expert on NYC. But no trip to The Upper West Side would be complete without a visit to Zabar’s whenever I travel to NYC. And Barbra Streisand lives in one of those towers in that pre-war building that has two towers. Years ago a non-Latina actress was selected for Evita movie because director didn’t want to deal with the backlash of choosing “the wrong Latina actress.” Maybe the show is afraid of portraying Jews incorrectly or the show is simply antisemitic.

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Kat, I love you. You are a brilliant essayist. I must, however, voice one of my pet peeves. In reference to your Mean Girls essay in Unherd, it is "jibe with," not "jive with." I hope you don't dismiss me as a jive turkey.

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