It is a truth universally acknowledged that two women in possession of several thousand opinions must be in want of a podcast.
This is Feminine Chaos: a series of conversations between culture writers Kat Rosenfield and Phoebe Maltz Bovy (or, as Phoebe is presently absent on maternity leave, a rotating series of interesting guests who Kat has blackmailed into talking with her.)
Mostly, we talk about culture and politics. Sometimes, we have controversial food opinions. Always, there is a poodle barking in the background. Such is life.
During Phoebe’s absence, new episodes of the podcast are released twice monthly on no particular schedule (which, if you think about it, is both a fun surprise and in keeping with the titular spirit of the thing.)
For those who wish to fully immerse themselves in the chaos, and maybe even foment a bit of their own, we offer a $5 per month subscription program that gets you:
Early access to the full, uncut, uncomfortably candid version of these conversations (and sometimes an exclusive just-for-you episode when time and circumstances allow)
Access to comment sections on every episode, as well as bi-monthly discussion threads where you can suggest future topics
If you give $20 or more per month via a Founding Level annual subscription, we will say (or perhaps even scream) your name on the show for all to hear (participation optional, you can also just give us more money anonymously if you want)
These perks will be subject to change (for the better!) as our community grows and we have the resources to produce more content. Join us, it’s gonna be great.