Butts, books, bonny princes, and… beachdeath? Don't worry, all will be explained. Kat and Phoebe discuss the book review about butts that thousands of angry people on the internet didn't read, as well as the peculiar internet history of one controversial NYT op-ed writer. Then: Phoebe tells us what she really thinks about Lex Fridman's reading list and …
Premium: The Spare Derrière
Jan 12, 2023
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Feminine Chaos
Problematic faves, dissident feminism, and poodle interruptions: this is Feminine Chaos, featuring cultural commentary from Phoebe Maltz Bovy and Kat Rosenfield.
Problematic faves, dissident feminism, and poodle interruptions: this is Feminine Chaos, featuring cultural commentary from Phoebe Maltz Bovy and Kat Rosenfield.Listen on
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